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The chief - KOSYREVA Tatiyana Sergeevna

The leading expert - TEPAEVA Elena Nikolaevna

The expert - SELIVERSTOVA Alexandra Anatolievna


  • the certificate of certificates of an origin of the goods for participants of foreign trade activities;

  • rendering of consulting services on questions of filling of certificates, certificates of the various documents connected to realization of foreign trade activities;

  • carrying out of examinations of quality and quantity of the goods (commodity examination), raw material and the equipment for drawing up of acts with claims of examination;

  • definition or confirmation of codes of the goods under the commodity nomenclature of foreign trade activities of the Russian Federation;

  • the registration of the conclusion (the act of the expert operation) on contract with инофирмами on conversion goods under customs supervision on customs territory of the Russian Federation;

  • oral consultations on quality of the goods;

  • undertaking the expert operation on determination judicial organ.

The acts of examination made by experts of Chamber, can serve as the basic documents giving the right to declare to the claim to unfair partners, including foreign, on shortage, shortage or inadequate quality of the goods; they intend as the demonstrative documents given in the arbitration organizations, including foreign.

Necessary documents


The certificate of an origin of the goods for delivery of your production to export

About protection of interests of businessmen or about benefit of commodity examination

Certificate of an origin for delivery of your production to export

The Ryazan commercial and industrial chamber certifies certificates on an origin of the goods, confirming, that the considered goods are made in the given country. This service of a department of examination and certification is familiar to many commodity producers and businessmen.

The certificate of an origin of the goods is the document confirming a country of origin of the goods, and it is required, as a rule, by customs bodies of the importing country with the purpose of realization of tariff and not tariff measures of regulation of import of the goods on customs territory of the corresponding country, and also export of the goods from this territory.

Certificates on an origin of the goods can demand as well banks, for example, when the sides at realization of calculations on the foreign trade operations have specified necessity of presence of such documents in the letter of credit. Certificates of an origin of the goods in the cases stipulated by corresponding foreign trade contracts, the concluded sides, national rules of the importing country, the international agreements which participants are the countries of export and import of the corresponding goods are necessary. In particular, according to item 3 of an item 30 of unit V of the Law of the Russian Federation «About the custom duties» from May, 21, 1993 the Russian customs bodies without fail demand granting the certificate:

  • on the goods, which import from the given country it is adjusted by quantitative restrictions (quotas) or other measures of regulation of foreign trade activities;

  • if it is stipulated by the international agreements which participant is the Russian Federation, and also the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protection of a surrounding environment, health of the population, protection of the rights of the Russian consumers, a social order, state security and other vital interests of the Russian Federation;

  • in other cases when in documents of data represented for customs registration on an origin of the goods are absent, or the customs body of the Russian Federation has bases to believe, that doubtful data on an origin of the goods are declared;

  • similar rules are stipulated by customs legislations practically all countries.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation «About commercial and industrial chambers in the Russian Federation» from July, 7, 1993, intergovernmental agreements, and also developed international practice the certificate of certificates of an origin of the goods is carried out by commercial and industrial chambers of the Russian Federation.

Now commercial and industrial chambers in the Russian Federation certify five kinds of certificates which admit all over the world.

Ryazan CCI certifies certificates on an origin of the goods of several kinds, including: Certificates of an origin of the common national form developed CCI of Russia according to the international practice and according to rules of a country of origin of the goods, stipulated undressed V the Law of the Russian Federation «About the custom duties». In case of need specified certificates are given out on the Russian goods exported to all countries (except for the countries CIS) if not it is required special certificates of an origin.

At presence of certificates of the form «СТ-1» the Russian goods falling under corresponding preference, are completely exempted from import duties.
On the basis of certificates of the form «A» the preferential Russian goods are exempted from collection of import duties in full or in part.

Certificates of an origin of the goods are given out exclusively on the Russian goods exported to other countries.
Certificates are made out on the special forms made in the typographical way with various degrees of protection, on a concrete party of the goods and make sure the authorized employees of commercial and industrial chambers of strict conformity with Regulations about the order of registration, the certificate and delivery of certificates of an origin of the goods and other documents connected to realization of foreign trade activities.

Certificates of an origin under the form «A» make sure CCI on the basis of the order of the Government The Russian Federation from 18.06.02 № 816-р.

For reception of the certificate of an origin of the goods the interested person should present the written statement to the commercial and industrial chamber, authorized to certify the given documents. The basis for the certificate of the certificate is the certificate of examination confirming the Russian origin of the goods. Such certificates of examination are carried out Ryazan CCI according to working techniques about the order of carrying out of examination of the goods for each concrete kind of certificates.

Forms of certificates of an origin are filled by the certifying organization. Thus copies of the made out certificates which together with written applicationsstatements of interested persons and the documents confirming an origin of the goods, are stored within 2th years, copies of certificates of the form «A» - 3 years.

At the certificate of the certificate the authorized person (the employee of commercial and industrial chamber) appropriates to him personal number, puts the signature and a seal of the certifying organization.

About protection of interests of businessmen or about benefit of commodity examination

We want to pay your attention that at times the enterprises care of protection of the interests at the conclusion of contracts with suppliers and buyers insufficiently, do not stipulate a condition of acceptance of cargoes by quantity and quality. Cases in which there are problems connected to it, it is conditionally possible to divide into three groups:

  • At acceptance of the goods from the supplier.

  • At shipment of the goods without the preshipping control.

  • At reception of the contract substandard or not responding conditions (to specifications, GOST, to standards) the goods.

For example, the enterprise has concluded the contract on purchase of a party of the certain goods. However at reception it is found out, that he has no packaging, or in a party there are no products. The enterprise incurs losses, since the money enclosed in the contract do not work, time, especially, if the purchased goods - seasonal is missed. How to avoid similar situations?

First, before to remove seals from the car or the container, it is necessary to invite our expert, and opening of a vehicle to make at its presence. Then expert RCCI will make the act of examination in which will specify all lacks, shortage, fight, mechanical damages of packing and the goods, and also will determine cost of damage.

The act of examination is the basic document giving the right to importers to declare to the claim Russian and the foreign firms.

Besides the act of examination RCCI admits as the demonstrative document as the arbitration organizations, including foreign.

Second, if you have not invited the expert directly to opening of the car, the container or the vehicle examination of quantity, qualities or a technical status of the goods (commodity examination) is spent and estimated and «on the fact», i.e. for date of presentation of the goods to the expert. The act of examination in this case is not the claim, and to prove fault of the shipper or a carrier of a cargo it is already more difficult, but possible by negotiations and only with the act of examination CCI.

In many countries attraction of experts of commercial and industrial chamber is obligatory. Expert CCI under the law - the person independent both from the exporter, and from the importer, therefore the act of examination is made unbiassedly. Experts give objective ratings, and it - powerful argument at the requirement of compensation of the suffered losses suppliers of the poor-quality goods. Many enterprises (and not only members RCCI), have felt on itself significant benefit of cooperation with us, is especial at acceptance of the goods with participation of experts RCCI. Simply for members of Chamber this service is cheaper.

To work with the greatest possible effect for the firms, we recommend to be guided by the following rules:

  • At acceptance of the goods to invite the expert Ryazan CCI which simultaneously with customs registration of a cargo will carry out examination of quantity of the goods, completeness, qualities or technical a status of the goods (raw material, the equipment, etc.).

  • to secure itself against unfair acceptance of the goods at a consignee (as in territory of Russia, and abroad) invite our expert at shipment of the goods! In this case the act of examination is made at loading in the car, the container, a motor vehicle (the act of the preshipping control). In the act the quantity and quality of a cargo, its packing, marks, stacking in a vehicle is reflected, and sealing this vehicle makes sure. Practice of job of our Chamber confirms, that in case of registration of acts of the preshipping control the quantity of claimes from the addressee of a cargo on shortage, fight, mechanical damages is sharply reduced. One very known enterprise in area needed to draw up a statement some times all the preshipping control that once and for all the foreign partner has ceased to make a complaint for shortage.

  • At reception of the contract (contract) of the goods substandard or not responding conditions, experts CCI will carry out sampling or samples, will direct them to the specialized laboratories for tests and after research will give the expert judgement on quality or a technical status of the goods. The customs can be returned to the customer of examination or losses are compensated by the supplier of the substandard goods.

Ryazan commercial and industrial chamber invites you to cooperation and guarantees high efficiency of examinations.

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