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 Что такое Рязанская ТПП Ryazan Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a non-governmental noncommercial organization assisting to the development of civilized free enterprise in the region. It's our main purpose to provide every enterprise with real opportunities for development and entering Russian and international markets regardless of the kind of activity and form of property. The Chamber was founded on 14, May 1993. Its activity is based on the Federal Law «On chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Russian Federation». In January 2005 the members of the Chamber are over 500 of enterprises & organizations, making more than 60% of the industrial potential of the region & playing the important part in the development of the regional economy. They represent the enterprises of chemical, oil-chemical, machinery construction, instrument making, electronic, wood processing, light industry, ferrous & non-ferrous metallurgy, and mechanical engineering. In the Chamber there are exhibition & advertising firms, auditing & publishing organizations, scientific, public health organizations & private entrepreneurs represented. The members of the Chamber enjoy the discounts for our services.

Since 1998 the Chamber has organized over 50 exhibitions, including 15 international ones. From 50 to 120 production enterprises of 20-25 regions of the Russian Federation, CIS and foreign countries are usually represented at the exhibitions simultaneously. Some specialized exhibitions have become traditional, such as «Modern city» -power- and resource-saving technologies; «Business world» modern business management services; «World of health and beauty» -(health care; Fashion, style, design) - high fashion and art. These exhibitions are of an international status with the participants delegated from Bulgaria, Sweden, Italy, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Yugoslavia, Baltic countries, Belorussia. Within the frames of the previous exhibitions we have carried out a Russian-Latvian business council, Yugoslavian, Bulgarian, Belorussian days of business with the participation of concerned officials and business people of the Ryazan region.

The complex plan of exhibition activity of the Association of CCIs of the Central Russia includes an annual exhibition demonstrating new products, equipment, technologies and services, called «Industry, Commerce, Investments of the Central Russia». The program of the exhibition includes: tenders of investment projects best expositions of products, goods and services with the main prize - «Golden Mercury». The participants also get diplomas and certificates.

The administration of the region commissioned the Chamber to be a constant representative of the region's interests at the All-Russian industrial and economic forums in Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow and St. Petersburg. Ryazan CCI has got high federal awards for excellent presentation of the region's products: diplomas and certificates of the government of RF. There are prospects of arranging the participation of Ryazan enterprises in important international exhibitions in Western Europe, Middle East and the countries of the Pacific Ocean.

The Chamber constantly organizes collective expositions of the Ryazan region at major Russian inter-regional exhibitions and fairs. During the last few years the products of Ryazan enterprises were presented in Smolensk, Vladimir, Yaroslalvl, Tula, Kaluga, Kirov, Rostov-na-Donu, the Komi Republic. RCCI is the leader organizing exhibitions in the Ryazan region and one of the most efficient Chambers of this branch in the Central Russia. According to the estimation of exhibition-fair organizing activity & the support of producers, made by RF CCI & the «EXPOvestnik» magazine, Ryazan CCI occupies one of the leading positions in Russia, & as far as the Central Federal District is concerned, it yields only to Moscow, Belgorod & Vladimir CCIs, which have Exhibition Centers of their own.

With the aim of enforcing the interregional relations, within the last 2 years the Chamber has organized a business trip of local enterprises' delegates to 15 regions of the country. We visited Kaluga, Bryansk, Yaroslavl (twice), Lipetsk, Krasnodar, Tumen, Kirov, Belgorod, Samara and other regional centers of Russia. We also welcomed guests from 9 cities at our Chamber. Such business meetings of local and other regions' representatives produce maximum economic effect. Only the results of the business trip to Yaroslavl in 2005 show that the Ryazan entrepreneurs have concluded over 50 cooperation agreements, & the agreements & contracts concluded before are being successfully realized.

Within the framework of international collaboration the production of Ryazan enterprises was represented in Bratislava (Slovakia), Hanover and Thorgau (Germany), Derbetzen (Hungary), Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Bangkok (Thailand), Thessaloniki (Greece) & Almaty (Kazakhstan). With the assistance of the president of the Chamber - T.V. Guseva - united Slovak-Russian Chamber was organized. Then followed successful business talks with Bulgarian firms in the Bulgarian Republic industry center in Moscow, with Hungarian businessmen in the Economic Department of the Hungarian Embassy in Moscow, Belorussian partners in Minsk and department of commerce of the British Embassy, the Republic of Korea, Iran in Moscow, economic mission of Slovenia, Poland, Serbia, Italy and Chernovitsky Region (the Ukraine).

We keep widening the international contacts with representatives of foreign business circles. During the last five years RCCI was visited by business delegations from the USA, Poland, India, Romania, Spain, Thailand, Slovenia, the Ukraine, Serbia & Montenegro, Greece, Belorussia, Japan, China, Iran & other countries to have negotiations. In 2001 Ryazan Chamber gave more priority to establishing contacts between Ryazan enterprises and foreign businessmen. The delegation of the Ryazan region visited the United Arabic Emirates, Thailand, China, Germany, Spain, France, Korea, Greece, and Kazakhstan. The delegations of the Ryazan region visited the international exhibitions «RESALE», «BATIMAT», «FASHION». Such forms of collaboration help establish contacts between businessmen and foster the development and introduction of joint projects. The foreign visits resulted in the coming of a delegation of the China firm «Young» in Ryazan in order to establish a joint enterprise. Ryazan Chamber held a workshop concerning the questions of making business with Japan, Germany & Korea.

Since 1999 the Chamber participated in projects' competition undertaken by international funds and won several grants for training and retraining of specialists and for the improvement of corporate management. As the result of these grants over 500 specialists have taken training courses & qualification improvement, the Code of Corporate Conduct for joint-stock companies is being successfully introduced into practice.

Lately more prominence has been given to organizing «round-table» discussions of the urgent for the business community questions in order to attract potential members to the RCCI. Here we can mention such recent «round table» events as:

  • «Business for business» - meeting of representatives of industrial enterprises and business-service firms;
  • «Monopolies -enterprises relations» - with the participation of leading production enterprises' directors, representatives of the administration of Ryazan and the region, antimonopoly department, the power commission of the region, «Energonadzor», «Ryazanenergo», Ryazan municipal distributive networks, «Vodokanal», «Teplosety», «Electrosvyaz», industrial railway transport enterprises.
  • «Investment process development in the Ryazan region»
  • «Woman and business». This «round-table» discussion resulted in the establishment of a municipal public organization «The club of business ladies». The club was established in order to raise the status of women in the social, political, economical, and cultural spheres of society; to defend women's interests in the process of shaping of the market economy; to foster their business initiatives.

Ryazan CCI was the initiator & creator of such bills as «On the procedure of collecting, storage and transportation of ferrous and non-ferrous metals waste on the territory of the region», «On industrial policy», «On energy saving», «On the local natural monopolies in the Ryazan region». To discuss the projects the Chamber organized «round tables», involving the deputies of the Regional Duma, the regional administration and the leading enterprises and organizations.

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