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About department

Теl.: +7(4912) 27-48-12

E-mail: sorokin@rtpp.ryazan.su


The chief - SOROKIN Evgeniy Grigorievich

The main expert - NASONOVA Izolida Nikolaevna

The leading expert - AFANASKINA Anna Vasilievna


  • search of potential foreign partners, including investors for the enterprises and the organizations of area;

  • check of reliability of foreign partners;

  • support of foreign trade activities of the enterprises, including search of the equipment abroad;

  • the organization of reception of foreign delegations and carrying out of their meetings with representatives of the interested enterprises and the organizations of the Ryazan area;

  • Formation and support of delegations of the Ryazan area for business trips abroad;

  • the organization of presentations of foreign firms in Ryazan and the Ryazan area, and also Ryazan - abroad;

  • information service of the enterprises and the organizations of the region on foreign trade activities, including carrying out of seminars and conferences;

  • translations from foreign languages on Russian and from Russian on foreign with official assurance.



We invite to take part in a business meeting with delegation from Italy

Is invited to take part in business mission to Munich (Germany)

Republics Kenyas Sootrudnichestvo and Russia

Declare the intentions to trade from the United Nations

We invite to take part in a business meeting with delegation from Italy

Ryazan chamber of commerce and industry приглашает Invites to take part in to a business meeting with delegation from Italy . The meeting will take place on October, 25, 2005 at 10-15 in a conference hall Ryazan CCI .

In a meeting will take part:

  • Mar Skanii - Mayor of the city of Alessandria,
  • Dzhampiero Distance - Mayor of city of Kantalupo Ligure,
  • Severino the Headlight - Head Alessandria chamber of commerce and industry,
  • and also heads of the industrial union of. Alexander, Association of handicraftsmen, the Union of builders, businessmen.

In the program of business meetings:

  • presentation of industrial both foreign trade potential Alessandria and Kantalupo Ligure;
  • presentation of the Ryazan region and the Ryazan commercial and industrial chamber, performance of the enterprises;
  • direct negotiations with representatives of the Italian delegation.

Participants of a meeting will have an opportunity to present the enterprises, made production, to exchange opinions on questions of bilaterial cooperation.

Participation in a business - meeting free-of-charge. In case of interest, we ask you till October, 21 2005 to confirm the participation in a meeting on tel.: +7(0912) 27-48-12, 28-99-02/03 (the external economic department Ryazan CCI).

Is invited to take part in business mission to Munich (Germany)

The Ryazan commercial and industrial chamber informs that together with Moscow CCI under aegis of the Ministry of Economics of Bavaria job on preparation business mission by autumn of 2005 to Munich (Germany) on subjects is conducted: power system.

To you we shall be very grateful, if you will direct to us the wishes on formation of the program of the given business mission. All acted offers and applications that will make the given trip maximum productive for your enterprise will be investigated and taken into account.

On all organizational questions to address in the external economic department Ryazan CCI on ph. +7(0912) 27-48-12, tel./fax: 28-99-02/03

Republics Kenyas Sootrudnichestvo and Russia

The Ryazan commercial and industrial chamber testifies to you the respect and informs, that according to Embassy of the Russian Federation in to Republic of Kenya now the Government of this African country spends upgrade of a national economy of the country and in this connection shows the big interest in cooperation with Russia in the following areas:

  • purchase of the process equipment for cement works, the equipment for pulp-and-paper combine, the equipment for manufacture of sugar (reed), the equipment for power stations and LET, the oil refining equipment, the port equipment, including portal cranes, the railway equipment and locomotives;

  • investigation and development of coal deposits;

  • development of a titanic deposit.

The Russian technologies and the equipment are examined in Kenya as rather perspective, including from the point of view of a ratio «price - quality». The important favorable factor of development of cooperation is presence in Kenya the certain financial opportunities for the purposes of trade and economic interaction. At promotion on the kenyan market interested Russian the company can count on support of intermediator firm ТНЕМIS INVESTMENTS LTD influential in local political-economical circles on questions of an establishment of business contacts, grantings of the advisory help and competitive materials, etc. The FAX (+254-204443301, E-mail themis@kenyawed.соm), and also on assistance of Embassy of Russia in Kenya.

As a matter of fact the question is the wide program of cooperation with Kenya within the framework of plans on upgrade of a national economy, and also with other countries of the east - African region through mechanisms of regional integration (there are plans of construction of a regional oil pipeline. LET, highways and so forth).

The interested companies we ask to address in the external economic department Ryazan CCI on bodies: +7(0912) 27-48-12, tel./fax +7(091228-99-02, 28-99-03; E-mail: isolda@rtpp.ryazan.su

Declare the intentions to trade from the United Nations

Session of Interoffice working group will take place in May, 2005 in Moscow on purchases (IWGP) the United Nations 30-n.

The United Nations annually spend from above 3 billion US dollars for purchase of the various goods and services. Now the Russian business in deliveries of the goods and services of the United Nations is submitted basically by only airtransport companies.

Though the list of kinds of the purchased goods is rather impressive, including vehicles, the foodstuffs, computers and data processing, typographical services, office accessories and materials and many other goods, the Russian deliveries make only 10 % from the common purchases of the organizations of system of the United Nations. The important moment is that circumstance, that suppliers of the goods and services in structures of the United Nations are released from national duties and taxes. It is represented, that activity of the Russian business could be higher in case of the greater knowledge and coordination of this job.

30-n session IWGP will pass under aegis the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and CCI Russia, in a plan of measures the meeting of members of the purchasing commission of the United Nations with the Russian businessmen who are carrying out deliveries is provided or intending to enter contract relations with the organizations of the United Nations. As shows experience of the previous sessions, direct meetings with responsible representatives of the United Nations certainly give advantage in the conclusion of transactions and contracts.

If you were interested with this information, ask to inform a department of foreign economic relations Ryazan CCI on intention of participation of your company, firm and businessmen in the given action.

Kinds of the purchased goods and services:

  • services in the field of an airline traffic;
  • vehicles, spare parts and the equipment for vehicles;
  • legal services;
  • services in the field of material support;
  • forwarding service and delivery.
  • the equipment of data processing and service on its maintenance service;
  • computers and the services connected to information technology;
  • services on data input;
  • information services;
  • short-term and long-term rent of the real estate;
  • operation and the contents of buildings;
  • administrative services;
  • the equipment for an air conditioning, heating installations and the pump equipment.
  • the services connected with architectural, engineering and civil work;
  • furniture;
  • cleaning service of rooms;
  • services on the organization of public catering.
  • the audiovisual equipment and services;
  • a radio communication and services in the field of telecasting;
  • a communication facility and corresponding services;
  • photographic equipment, accessories.
  • transformers;
  • generating installations;
  • electric devices;
  • electronic components.
  • services in the field of written and oral translation;
  • vocational training;
  • consulting services;
  • advertising and marketing;
  • conducting archives;
  • short-term and long-term rent of the office equipment;
  • the office equipment and means for book keeping;
  • a paper and paper production;
  • a stationary.
  • graphic design and preparation of breadboard models of stamps;
  • typographical services;
  • a typographical paint and accessories.
  • subjects of medical appointment, instrumentations;
  • services on maintenance service and repair;
  • the mechanical equipment and spare parts, tools and stationary means, automobile tire covers and rubber products;
  • medals and distinctions, regimentals, personal equipment, the equipment for good safety and protection, textile production, excepting subjects of clothes.
  • researches on power problems and other technical researches;
  • production chemical and a petroleum industry;
  • the scientific analysis and researches.

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