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  • On May, 14 - the constituent assembly on which the decision on creation of the Ryazan chamber of commerce and industry was accepted has taken place. The board of Chamber, the president (on public principles - president Prio-Vneshtorgbanka V.A.Mazaev), executive director (later the president) is elected by T.V.Guseva.

  • The presentation of the Ryazan commercial and industrial chamber on August, 1 has taken place.

  • To number of fifteen founders - members four have increased more: a factory of ceramic-metal products, regional organization VOIR, joint-stock company «Combine», a factory of the autoequipment.

  • The Board of chamber has expressed gratitude to the national actor of Russia S.M.Leontjevu for active participation in has lead of presentation Ryazan CCI.


  • On March, 19 has opened «Expocentre» Ryazan CCI on the basis of a show room of the House of a life.

  • Ryazan CCI has organized the first exhibition of the goods of the enterprises of different areas of Russia, the countries CIS and far abroad. She has collected 45 participants.

  • Ryazan CCI the representative of British governmental consulting firm BESO, the former president British CCI, lord William Nicolas has visited. The purpose of visit - to help Chamber at an organizational stage of job.

1995 - 1996:

  • The opposition of the organized crime.

  • Adjustment of inter-regional and international business contacts.

  • The first seminars with supervising bodies for businessmen (The state trading inspection, power supervision, fire supervision, sanitary epidemiological supervision) has lead.


  • The president Ryazan CCI Guseva T.V., being in the USA in structure of delegation CCI of the Russian Federation, has met the governor of state Texas Dzhorzhem Bush - younger, selected now the president of the United States of America.

  • At participation of the president Ryazan CCI T.V.Guseva has been founded the mixed Slovakia-Russian chamber.

  • It is created Учебно-business «project's Morozov».

  • The first business meetings of the Ryazan businessmen with businessmen of other areas (Tula, Kaluga, Dzerzhinsk, Bryansk, Tambov, Tver, Yaroslavl) has lead.


  • The Chamber for the first time in Ryazan has lead the first inter-regional exhibition - fair «The industry, trade, investments of the Center of Russia», on which have been submitted more than 150 participants from 25 regions of Russia and Byelorussia. The exhibition passed under the motto «To domestic manufacturers - our priority!».

  • Business trips of business - delegations of the Ryazan region to the Yaroslavl area and Republic Mordovia Have taken place. Meetings with representatives of business of Saransk and Yaroslavl, organized Ryazan CCI, CCI Mordovia and Yaroslavl CCI, have begun regular inter-regional mutually advantageous cooperation of commodity producers. Ryazan CCI accepted representatives of business circles Tver CCI.

  • The meeting of presidents of commercial and industrial chambers of Association TPP of the Central Russia has taken place In Ryazan.

  • Within the framework of the Agreement on trade and economic and technological cooperation between the Ryazan region and the Ministry of the industry of Byelorussia, between Ryazan CCI and Minsk branch BelTpP in Minsk business meetings of the Ryazan and Belarus commodity producers have taken place.

  • Examination of an opportunity of application of five-sulphurous phosphorus as additives to oils on Open Society «Ryazan oil refining factory».


  • The detached division (branch) Ryazan CCI in Каsimov for approximation of services of Chamber business of the second-largest city of area Is created.

  • The Chamber has founded the printed edition - the newspaper «Under the sign of Mercury».

  • The Chamber prepares and issues the first business - directory «Ryazan region. Your business partners».

  • At support of Chamber by a regional duma the Law «About the order of gathering, storage and moving of a breakage black and nonferrous metals in territory of the Ryazan region». The chamber has acted as the initiator and the developer of bills «About local natural monopolies in the Ryazan region».

  • The Chamber has successfully presented an exposition of the Ryazan region at 1-st inter-regional «Export opportunities of the Center of Russia in Moscow».

  • Examination on acceptance of the humanitarian help - articles of food from the countries of EU.


  • On December, 27, 2000 Board CCI of the Russian Federation has accepted the order about accreditation of the Ryazan camber of commerce and industry chamber. RCCI it is awarded «Gold Mercury» also has received certificate CCI the Russian Federation about accreditation on conformity to the standards showed to Chambers that is an official recognition of its competence of performance of functions and the services determined by the charter by the charter of Chamber and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

  • Regular release of edition RCCI «Under the sign of Mercury»

  • At Ryazan CCI the public committee on power is created.

  • The Chamber was visited with business visits by ambassadors of India, the USA, Thailand.

  • Examination of the contract is lead «Ryazan energy» with consumers which has prevented the latent increase of tariffs for the electric power, sold to the enterprises.

  • Seminars for businessmen about application of the Law «About protection of the rights of consumers» and on application «Inkoterms - 2000».


  • RCCI has passed accreditation in Gosstandart of the Russian Federation.

  • At Chamber the noncommercial partnership on development of the personnel is created.

  • The Club of business women is created.

  • The meeting of elite of the Ryazan business is lead.

  • The newspaper Ryazan CCI «Under the sign of Mercury» the Russian Federation is awarded with Diploma CCI.

  • In Ryazan CCI the meeting of participants of conference «Women - advantage of Russia», in which directors of the conducting industrial enterprises and chairman of the Union of women of Russia A.V.Fedulov have taken part.

  • The license for publishing is received.

  • Conference «The woman and its business» with participation of representatives of the State Duma and the Government of the Russian Federation.


  • Ryazan CCI the Russian Federation as successfully working in regulation of attitudes of commodity producers with power monopolies is marked by the President of Russia V.V.Putin from a tribune of IV congress CCI.

  • The President Ryazan CCI T.V.Guseva is elected in structure of Board CCI of the Russian Federation.

  • Competition «For the first time is lead; The best enterprises and the organizations of the Ryazan region».

  • RCCI it is awarded with the Diploma of organizing committee of the All-Russia scientific - industrial forum «Russia Uniform» signed by minister of the industry, science and technologies of the Russian Federation of I.I.Klebanov.

  • RCCI has successfully organized participation of the enterprises of the Ryazan region in the International exhibition (competition) «The all-Russia stamp (III millenium). The quality symbol of XXI century».

  • To the 850-anniversary of Kasimov by Chamber the Center of the industry and agriculture Kasimov and area Kasimovskogo is open. The agreement on bilaterial cooperation between Chernovtsy CCI Ukraine and Ryazan CCI is signed.


  • On May, 14 - 10 years RCCI.

  • The Christmas fur-tree for 300 pupils of children's homes and boarding schools Is lead.

  • 5 edition of the directory «Ryazan region. Your business partners».

  • The new project of Chamber Is carried out: for the first time the business - directory is prepared and issued «Ryazan region: export - import».

  • For the organization of a collective exposition of the enterprises of the Ryazan area at anniversary exhibition «Saint Petersburg - 300» The Chamber is awarded with the Honourable diploma and a commemorative medal of organizing committee of a forum.

  • Chambers (Vratsa), the Cooperation agreement between Ryazan CCI and the Society of friends to Russia (Are signed the Contract about construction between Ryazan CCI and Vracen representation Russian - Bulgarian commercial and industrial.

  • Business - meetings of representatives of small business.

  • Ryazan CCI according to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation certifies certificates of the form «A» about an origin of the goods on the countries of EU.

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