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From its first steps the Chamber had to overcome lots of difficulties. Basically it is connected with our rapid activities. Not willing to, we still are in the way for someone, though we are just realizing the functions of the Chamber. Our main judges are the enterprises, for which we are developing our services.

We have achieved the level, when not everyone can become the member of our Chamber, though there is no direct & categorical expression of this fact in our regulation documents. But still the CCI is a civilized structure, playing a definite part in the process of business development, we are to be sure in our members. We treat this question very attentively: all candidates for entering are discussed in the sittings of the Board of Directors. Before accepting any enterprise to the members of the Chamber we conduct the check-up of the financial reliability, business reputation & only after that can recommend for acceptance. We cooperate with any firm, which has the desire to develop. The more active the members of the Chamber work, the more of our services they get. This is the most important distinctive feature of our structure. The significant milestones for Ryazan Chamber of Commerce & Industry during the last time were the years 2000, 2002 & 2003.

On the 27th of December 2000 the Board of Directors of RF CCI made the decision on the accreditation of Ryazan CCI, which was the official acknowledgement of our competence in the fulfillment of functions & providing the services, defined by the Charter of the Chamber & the valid legislation of the Russian Federation.

In 2002 Ryazan CCI was marked by The President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin from the rostrum of the IV conference of RF CCI, as the organization successfully functioning for improving the relations of producers with energy monopolies. And the President of Ryazan CCI T.V. Guseva was elected by the conference to be the member of the RF CCI's Board of Directors.

In 2003 Ryazan CCI celebrated its tenth anniversary. The guests of the celebration were hundreds of businessmen, the vice-president of RF CCI S.N. Katyrin, the Chairman of Ryazan Regional Duma V.N. Fedotkin, the Governor of the region V.N. Lubimov, directors of associations & unions, colleagues from other CCIs.

In January 2005 the members of the Chamber are over 500 of enterprises & organizations, making more than 60% of the industrial potential of the region & playing the important part in the development of the regional economy. They represent the enterprises of chemical, oil-chemical, machinery construction, instrument making, electronic, wood processing, light industry, ferrous & non-ferrous metallurgy, and mechanical engineering. In the Chamber there are exhibition & advertising firms, auditing & publishing organizations, scientific, public health organizations & private entrepreneurs represented. Out Chamber is proud of the gained reputation of a competent, honest & reliable partner, for whom the interests of the clients are the most important things. This is our main capital.

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